PDA baseline noise (Guided Troubleshooting) - WKB206744
Article number: 206744
- Baseline noise in PDA chromatogram
- SQT test failure for noise specification
- Issues with quantification at lower levels
- ACQUITY UPLC PDA eλ Detector
- 2998 Photodiode Array Detector
- ACQUITY Arc 2998
- For ACQUITY PDA, check the 250-psi back pressure regulator (WKB10081).
- Ensure that the lab temperature is fluctuating within a normal range.
- On ACQUITY PDA, minimize refractive index effects if running at low UV wavelengths (less than 205 nm).
- Sonicate mobile phases (WKB1529).
- For QSM, place all lines in a single mobile phase bottle (WKB95837).
- If using a 30-cm column heater, insulate the column outlet lines (WKB1035).
- Confirm that the tubing from the Column Manager is routed correctly to the PDA and does not make contact with the lamp cable.
- If possible, turn on Median Baseline Filter (MBF) (WKB95839).
- Check the fittings around the detector (WKB9652).
- Inspect the flow cell.
- Replace the lamp (WKB20304).
- Inspect the solvent manager for pressure fluctuations.
id206744, 2998, 2998B, 2998SFC, A-10PDA, A-30PDA, baseline ripple, checkvalve, Delta, eluent, pressure ripple, UPAPDA, UPARPPDA, UPC2PDA, UPPDA, UPPDAARC, UPPDAARCB, UPPDA-E, UPPDA-L, UPPDALTC, UPPDATC, UPPPDA