SYMPTOMS: Successful dynamic leak test Primary pump head passes dynamic leak test with negative leak rate values Primary pump head occasionally passes with acceptable leak rate values Increase of leak...SYMPTOMS: Successful dynamic leak test Primary pump head passes dynamic leak test with negative leak rate values Primary pump head occasionally passes with acceptable leak rate values Increase of leak rate on accumulator seen when leak rate on primary is monitored Seals and check valves are new, replaced more than once on both primary and accumulator pumps
CAUSE: Faulty primary pump head
FIX: Replace the primary pump head. Perform the dynamic leak test.
ANSWER: The specified injection volume plus 15.0 µL (14.0-µL pre-sample volume and 1.0-µL post sample volume) when using the default setting of "automatic". The default overfill volume changes with re...ANSWER: The specified injection volume plus 15.0 µL (14.0-µL pre-sample volume and 1.0-µL post sample volume) when using the default setting of "automatic". The default overfill volume changes with respect to the needle configured: Advanced setting selected as "automatic" 10 ul needle (7.0µL pre-sample volume and 1.0µL post sample volume) 20 ul needle (10.0µL pre-sample volume and 1.0µL post sample volume)
SYMPTOMS: Erratic BSM pressure trace No flow from vent line during priming
CAUSE: Solvent bottle filter clogged
FIX: Replace the solvent bottle filter.
SYMPTOMS: Split/broad peaks on samples Peaks on blanks Replaced/investigated all possible parts/areas of contamination on LC modules (BSM, SM, CM/CH, column and MS)
CAUSE: Contaminated mobile phases
F...SYMPTOMS: Split/broad peaks on samples Peaks on blanks Replaced/investigated all possible parts/areas of contamination on LC modules (BSM, SM, CM/CH, column and MS)
CAUSE: Contaminated mobile phases
FIX: Make up fresh mobile phase using new solvents and additives where possible. Ensure that you are not using contaminated source of additive and/or solvent.
SYMPTOMS: Rising back pressure; pressure drops in cycles and increases again High delta on ACQUITY BSM
CAUSE: Partially clogged column
FIX: Replace the problematic column in the column compartment.
SYMPTOMS: Low sensitivity No peaks Incorrect retention time Strange baseline
CAUSE: Old or wrong chemistry
FIX: Use a freshly prepared sample. Use a fresh column. Use a fresh precolumn / filter. Use f...SYMPTOMS: Low sensitivity No peaks Incorrect retention time Strange baseline
CAUSE: Old or wrong chemistry
FIX: Use a freshly prepared sample. Use a fresh column. Use a fresh precolumn / filter. Use freshly prepared mobile phases and wash solutions. Use the correct Method and solvents.
ANSWER: Extended Y-Carriage implemented on all Sample Managers manufactured in January 2008 beginning with serial numbers. A08UPA918M for the ACQUITY Sample Manager and A08NPS351M for the nanoACQUITY ...ANSWER: Extended Y-Carriage implemented on all Sample Managers manufactured in January 2008 beginning with serial numbers. A08UPA918M for the ACQUITY Sample Manager and A08NPS351M for the nanoACQUITY Sample Manager Extended Y-Carriage is identified by a gray or stainless steel knob that holds the needle loop 700003898 for the PUNCTURE NEEDLE CART, 12MM EFF.MECHANISM 700006067 for the I-Class SM-FL and the M-Class SM-FL For any Sample Managers which have older versions of Y carriage, it is necess