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What is the data flow for NuGenesis when restoring files or Empower project backups? - WKB258338

Article number: 258338


  • NuGenesis 9 SDMS
  • NuGenesis 8 SDMS
  • Empower 3
  • A user selects one or more files to restore using NuGenesis WebVision
  • The NuGenesis Transfer App is installed on the client/Citrix machine
  • If Empower projects will be restored, the user session in WebVision is on an Empower client/Citrix machine, and the NuGenesis Transfer App and Empower Restore adapter are installed


  1. The Web browser downloads an NGX file from the Web server.
  2. The Web browser opens the NGX file in the registered application for this file type: NGipvw.exe
  3. NGipvw.exe reads the NGX file, determines the action requested (REST, file restore) and passes the info on to NGREST.exe.
  4. NGREST.exe connects to the NuGenesis RPC service (hostname and port are set in the SDMS Web server’s config files) and downloads the files from the RPC service to %TEMP%.
    • See article WKB19784 for information on the related NG14647 error and how to configure the NuGenesis RPC server name and port in the configuration files for both legacy and new WebVision.
  5. On the SDMS server, the NG RPC service (NGRPCShadowServer.exe) retrieves the files from database via SQL queries or Managed Storage via FTP, depending on the SDMS project type.
    • Database-storage projects:
      1. NGRPCShadowServer.execonnects to the Oracle database and sends SQL queries to the database over port 1521.
      2. The files are downloaded to the NG RPC service user's temp folder (example: C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Temp).
      3. NGRPCShadowServer.exe sends the files to NGREST.exe on the client/Citrix machine.
    • Managed storage projects:
      1. NGRPCShadowServer.exe connects to the FTP server via FTP or FTPS (as configured in SDMS Administrator) and downloads the files to the NG RPC service user's Temp folder.
      2. The FTP server, in turn, retrieves the files from remote storage via a UNC path or, in some cases, a drive local to the FTP server.
      3. NGRPCShadowServer.exe sends the files to NGREST.exe on the client/Citrix machine.
  6. NGREST.exe, when the files are on disk on the client machine/Citrix server and confirmed via CRC32 check to be identical to the files as stored in SDMS, displays the Restore UI.
  7. User specifies the restore path for the files, optionally recreating the folder structure in the path.
  8. NGREST.exe copies the files from %TEMP% to the selected path and, in the process, unflattens them; that is, it restores all file attributes as they were at time of archive.


At this point, for most file types, the file restoration process is complete. Several steps remain in the process for Empower projects:

  1. NGREST.exe finds that the files were archived with the Empower3 adapter in NuGenesis. It loads the Empower3 Restore adapter by looking for the class names from the following registry key:
    • HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\NuGenesis Technologies Corp.\NuGenesis\EVS\Restore Vendor Registry\Waters Corp.\Empower-3 Projects\0
  2. NGREST.exe displays the Empower Project Restore dialog box, which asks for Empower logon credentials, the parent project name, and the new name for the project.
  3. User clicks OK to start the project restore.
  4. NGREST.exe invokes the Empower Toolkit and starts the project restore.
  5. The Empower toolkit, loaded into NGREST.exe, invokes imp.exe to restore the files into the database: <Empower Oracle Client home>\BIN\Imp.exe project_schema_name/unity@WAT19 COMMIT=Y FULL=Y BUFFER=1000100 FILE='Drive:\path\to\project.exp'
  6. Empower Toolkit reports on the status of the restore to NGREST.exe.
  7. NGREST.exe displays a success/failure message to the user.




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