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Error "[NG14647] Failed to connect to the server" appears when using the NuGenesis Transfer App - WKB19784

Article number: 19784


  • The following error message is displayed by the Transfer Application when opening a report or downloading file data from NuGenesis:
    • "[NG14647] Failed to connect to the server."


  • NuGenesis 8 SDMS
  • NuGenesis 9 SDMS


The user's machine cannot connect to the NuGenesis RPC service on the NuGenesis SDMS server.


  1. Ensure that the NuGenesis RPC service is started on the server.
  2. Either turn off or allow traffic on TCP ports 2500-2504 through the firewall on the NuGenesis server.
  3. The Transfer App uses a setting in a WebVision config file on the NuGenesis web server as the host and port number for the NuGenesis RPC service
    • NuGenesis 8 and 9 (legacy WebVision):
      • NuGenesis 8: Drive:\Program Files (x86)\apache-tomcat-6.0.29\webapps\WebVision\ngvision\WebVision.ini
      • NuGenesis 9: Drive:\Program Files (x86)\Waters\apache-tomcat-9.0.8\webapps\WebVision\ngvision\WebVision.ini
      • The RPC service's host name and port number are given as two right-most parameters for the "local" entry in the servers list within WebVision.ini
        • Example: local='localhost,1,12020,...,'NuGenesis RPC Service V8.0','NG8ProdServer',2500 (NuGenesis 8 SDMS)
        • Example: local='localhost,1,12020,...,'NuGenesis RPC Service','NG8ProdServer',2500 (NuGenesis 9 SDMS)
    • NuGenesis 9 (new WebVision)
      • Drive:\Program Files (x86)\Waters\NGSDMS\Application Server\Vision\SdmsProjects\appsettings.json
      • The NuGenesis RPC service's hostname and port re given in the "RpcService" block within the file
    • If changes are made to the WebVision config file(s), then open IIS Manager and restart Default Web Site for legacy WebVision and SdmsProjects for new WebVision
  4. Ensure that the client machines can resolve the RPC service's hostname:
    1. Add an entry to the hosts file on the client machines that maps the RPC service name to the server's IP address.
    2. Or, change the entry in WebVision.ini to use a fully qualified domain name.
    3. Or, work with the local IT professionals to ensure that authoritative DNS server's A record for the hostname has the correct IP address for the NuGenesis server.
    4. On the client machines, use the Ping and NSLookup tools to test the connection to the NuGenesis server.


With NuGenesis 9 SDMS, a message box stating "The password you used to log in will expire in <nnnnnn> days. Would you like to change it now?" may appear before the "[NG14647] Failed to connect to the server" message.


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