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How to transfer MassLynx method to another MassLynx PC - WKB86891

Article number: 86891


Procedure for using the existing analysis method with another mass spectrometer due to instrument update etc.


  • MassLynx
  • Xevo Series


  1. Create a project for transfer on the newly introduced mass spectrometer PC.
  2. Copy MS Method (.exp) and Inlet Method (.qsm / .bsm / .ftn / .fl) to the ACQUB folder of the created project.
  3. Open the copy and save it.
  4. For MS Tune (.ipr), copy the corresponding Tune method to the ACQUB folder of the project which is created in the IntelliStart folder of the newly introduced mass spectrometer.
  5. After linking the calibration file to the copied MS Tune, set and save the Voltages, Temperatures, Gas Flow, and Source Temp.

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