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How to optimize for either ESI or APCI using ESCI with IntelliStart - WKB9654

Article number: 9654


Use IntelliStart to determine whether ESI or APCI ionization is better for a particular sample.


  • Xevo
  • Xevo TQD


  1. Open the MS tune page.
  2. Select ESCI as the ionization mode.
  3. Open the console and select IntelliStart.
  4. IntelliStart will show the option to develop a method for ESI+, ESI-, APCI+, and APCI-, as long as ESCI is chosen on the MS tune page.
  5. Check the boxes to either develop an ESI mode method or an APCI mode method. They cannot be run at the same time.
  6. Run one mode as normal then run again in the other mode to generate a comparison.
  7. Select the MS ionization method with the strongest response to run your sample.
  8. As long as the ESCI mode is selected on the tune page, either ES +/- or APCI +/- methods can be run as a MS Method in the sample list.


  • Corona pin must be fitted to run APCI.
  • If you select all four modes to run, no error will be generated but only an ESI method will be developed.
  • APCI samples run with the ESi probe will optimize best if the probe is halfway between the cone and the corona pin.
  • If APCI mode looks good while running ESCI, using an APCI probe will increase the sensitivity due to additional drying capabilities.

id9654, Electrospray, XEVOTQD, XEVOTQDIVD

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