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What is the MassLynx Raw Data Reader Interface Library? - WKB1775

Article number: 1775


  • MassLynx


MassLynx Raw Data Reader Interface Library is an application programming interface (API). It is a tool that allows third-party developers to build interfaces between their software and MassLynx, for example to import MassLynx data into third-party analysis software. This has been incorporated into the MassLynx Raw Software Development Kit (SDK) and the MassLynx SDK should be used now.

The MassLynx Raw Software Development Kit is a set of assemblies and associated headers that you can use to allow access to MassLynx raw data independently of the MassLynx application. It can be downloaded free from Waters Microapp Store.


The SDK App in Waters Microapp Store link brings you to various WatersRawSDKRedist files.

When trying to access the different types of raw data, different .dll files may be required depending on file type. Our current knowledge about the different .dll files is compiled below:

These are the Waters libraries for raw data access:
1.     DACServer.dll
2.     MassLynxRaw.dll
3.     Cdt.dll

1.)  DACServer.dll:
-        MassLynx software must be installed
-        Access only to non-IMS data
-        Good documentation available
-        DACServer = Datafile Access Component Server. It is available, but its speed and efficiency has been questioned by several users.

2.)   MassLynxRaw.dll:
-        No documentation
-        No access to IMS data
-        No HEADER files provided, no lib files, only in example project
-        A more efficient and faster reader

3.)   CDT.dll:
-        Good documentation available
-        No HEADER files provided, no lib files, only in example project
-        Access only to IMS data
-        Access only to one MS Scan (no metadata, file in summary)

WatersRawSDKRedist. version 4.7.0, contains MassLynxRaw.dll but not Cdt.dll file (sufficient for MSe data).
WatersRawSDKRedist. version 4.6.0, contains both MassLynxRaw.dll and Cdt.dll file (for both MSe and IMS data).


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