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How to change needle sampling depth in trays of a 2777 - WKB59711

Article number: 59711


Change the sampling depth, or needle penetration depth, in trays of a 2777.    


  • 2777


  1. Go to Utilities and select the required tray.
  2. Select move to pos 1 if you want to observe depth inside the position.
  3. Adjust needle penetration depth to the required value. (This is the distance below the plate top that the needle travels down in order to draw sample.)
  4. To go deeper than the maximum allowed depth, you must increase the maximum needle penetration depth for that tray type:
    1. Home
    2. Enter
    3. Scroll to setup
    4. F3
    5. Enter
    6. Scroll to objects
    7. F3
    8. Enter
    9. Tray Types
    10. Select required type (e.g., MT96).
    11. Scroll to bottom of the list and adjust max penetration depth.
    12. It is possible to specify penetration depth for this tray type here also, but it will be overridden by entries made in the Utilities section (as above).
    13. Home
    14. Now it is possible to travel further down into the tray position 


Changes made in Utilities are for a specific tray number only. Changes made in the Tray type option are applied to all trays of that type in your system.

id59711, 2777, 2777C, 2777IVD

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