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In EDS365, what is the difference between manually processed and manually integrated? - WKB1711

Article number: 1711


  • EDS365


Manually Processed:

A result will be tagged in Empower with "Manual". This can mean that a sample or sample set was taken into review, had a processing method applied to it, and then the result was saved. It may also mean that the result had some of the peak integration manually modified by changing where the integration starts or ends (this is done in Review, and is known as "manually integrating").

A manually integrated result will also be marked as "Manual", but a result marked as "Manual[ly processed]" is not necessarily manually integrated. Manual integration is a subset of manual processing.

In EDS365, we calculate "Manually processed" by taking the number of results marked as manual, divided by the total number of results. For "Manually integrated", we go down to the peaks associated with a result; if any of the peaks have been manually integrated (seen by PeakCodes in lower case), then we flag the associated result with the number of manually integrated peaks. We then calculate the "% Manually integrated" as the number of results with manual peaks greater than 0 divided by the total number of results.



id1711, WLA

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