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What is the NuGenesis Database Insertion (DBI) Plugin? - WKB49200

Article number: 49200


  • NuGenesis 8 SDMS
  • NuGenesis 9 SDMS


The Database Insertion Plugin (DBIP, or DBI Plugin) is an enhancement to the NuGenesis RPC service that creates a metadata file in a specific folder whenever a file or a report is inserted into the database. These files may be used to monitor the data that it transfers to SDMS. The DBIPlugin is installed with the NuGenesis File Capture Modules Drive:\Program Files (x86)\NuGenesis 8.0\RPC\Plugins. It is not active by default. It must be configured by the DBI Plugin Configuration tool on the Start menu in order to be active. The configuration tool allows you to specify the location of the metadata files and the servers that should be monitored by the plugin. Whenever the TE inserts a record into the monitored servers, the DBI Plugin creates a metadata file in the specified folder.

The DBI Plugin stores its configuration in the registry: HKLM\software\Wow432Node\NuGenesis Technologies Corp.\NuGenesis\8.0\DBIP\Config. There are two subkeys: Location and Servers. Both entries are the REG_BINARY type and contain hexadecimal data rather than text strings. For this reason, the configuration cannot be edited directly in the registry editor; it must be edited through the configuration tool.




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