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The image of a NuGenesis LMS document section does not match the section's content - WKB28691

Article number: 28691


  • The image of a NuGenesis LMS document section does not match the section's contents when it's opened for editing


  • NuGenesis 8 LMS
  • NuGenesis 8 ELN




  • Reopen the section for editing and resubmit the content and images to LMS:
    1. If the document and/or the section is approved, then an authorized user will need to reopen the document/section for editing and create a new version of the section.
    2. Double-click the section to open it in the external editor (usually Microsoft Word, Excel, or PowerPoint).
    3. Ensure that the data in the section is correct.
    4. If the section is a Smart Builder form, simply close the section; Smart Builder will automatically print the section to the Waters Image Writer to create new images.
    5. If the section is NOT a Smart Builder form, within the external program, print the section to the Waters Image Writer and close the program.
    6. Within LMS, ensure that the image matches the section contents.
    7. Reapprove the document section and the document.


A typical NuGenesis LMS document section has multiple components: the main section contents, one or more Enhanced Metafile (EMF) images of the contents, an XML file containing an audit trail, and an XML file containing the Results Metadata from the section (the latter two components being applicable only to Smart Builder forms).  The four components are sent to LMS via different means of transport and, in the case of the section images, occurs asynchronously from the other streams.  It is possible, though rare, for LMS to receive an EMF image for a section but not the main section contents, or for it to receive the main contents but not the EMF images.  The root cause for this failure is not known at this time.


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