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Where are the log files for NuGenesis 8 LMS located? - WKB27968

Article number: 27968


NuGenesis 8 LMS


LMS Server log files:

  • IIS log file: WELNIIS.log, in C:\Temp\WatersLMS\WLMSServer.  Log file name, location, and logging level are controlled by Web.config in the <Default Web Site root folder>\WATERSLMS\. You can also edit the file by a shortcut on the desktop, or through  <Default Web Site root folder>\WATERSLMS\Bin\WatersELNConf200.exe.
  • LMS Application server logs: server.log, scheduler.log, and manager.log are written to C:\WatersLMSServer\log. Log file location and logging level can be edited through the configurator shortcut on the desktop. The server.log file rolls over to a new log every day, while the manager and scheduler logs roll over when they reach 10 MB in size.
  • SDMS Interface: %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Application Data\Waters\Sdms Result Extractor\Logging\RR2ELN.log
  • SampleShare: C:\inetpub\wwwroot\SampleShare\Logs. If SampleShare is installed to a non-default location (for example, if the Default Web Site's path is changed), the logs will be in \SampleShare\Logs below that non-default location. The logging level can be changed through the configurator program on the Start menu or by editing web.config in the \SampleShare folder.
  • Stability: The log for the NuGenesis Stability module interfaces (transfer of data from Stability to LMS and back) is managed by the LMS Job Manager and Scheduler services. Log messages by the Stability interfaces are written to the manager.log file.
  • Document Creator Service: DocumentCreatorService.log and Substitution.log are written to :\Users\ServiceAccountName\AppData\Roaming\Waters\NuGenesis LMS Document Creator\<version>. The log file location can be changed through the config tool on the start menu: NuGenesis LMS Document Creator > LMS Document Service configuration. This program edits the files CreateDocumentService.exe.config and Substitution.config in the DCS installation folder. Note that the path for the log file as displayed in the DCS config tool may not be correct. It expands "%APPDATA%" to the AppData path for the logged-in user, whereas the service expands it to the AppData path for the Service account. Only if the logged-in user matches the service user will the path displayed in the DCS config tool be correct.
  • NuGenesis Connectors: The log file for the NuGenesis 8 Connectors service is in Drive:\Program Files (x86)\Waters Informatics\Connectors\Workflow\log. Look for manager.log and manager.log.1 through manager.log.10.

LMS Client log files:

  • LMS client: product.log is written to the user's application data folder on their PC or VDI. The exact location of the AppData folder varies, but if the user is logged in to their client, they can access it by entering %APPDATA% in the Start > Run prompt and browsing to Waters\NuGenesis LMS\<version>\product.log. Log level is set by editing eln.exe.config in the NuGenesis LMS client installation directory.
  • Smart Builder: LMSSmartBuilder-<date>.log is also written to the user's application data folder on their PC or VDI. To view the logs, go to %APPDATA%\Waters\NuGenesis Lab Execution Method Editor. A new log file is created every day. The log level is set via the LEME configuration app, accessed via the Start menu (NuGenesis Smart Builder > Configure Lab Execution Method Editor, which edits FormDesigner.dll.config in the LEME install directory.
  • Smart Builder Plugins: <name_of_plugin>.txt is written to the LEME install folder\Plugins\Logs. Logging level and log file location are determined by <name_of_plugin>.dll.config in the Smart Builder Install Directory\Plugins. Example: Plugins\Waters.ELN.AC.SampleRepository.dll and Waters.ELN.AC.SampleRepository.dll.config logs are written to \Plugins\Logs\Waters.ELN.AC.SampleRepository.txt.
  • LMS-Empower interface: %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Application Data\Waters\LMS Empower Interface\Log\*.log
  • Serial Device Support: Configurator-<date>.log, DiagTerminal-<Date>.log, and Waters.SDS-<Date>.log are writtern to %APPDATA%\Waters\Waters Serial Device Support. Configured by three config files in the SDS installation directory: Configurator.exe.config, DiagTerminal.exe.config, SDS.exe.config
  • LMS SDK: ClientExtern.log is written to %APPDATA%\Waters\NuGenesis LMS SDK\<version>\ClientExtern.log. Configured by ELNTK_ClientExtern.config in the LMS SDK installation directory (example: C:\Program Files (x86)\Waters\NuGenesis LMS SDK). Written when applications such as the Smart Builder Plugins make use of the LMS SDK.
  • Word Autoprint: AutomaticPrint-<Date>.log is written to %APPDATA%\Waters\NuGenesis LMS Word Automatic Print. Configured by AutomaticPrint.dll.config in the Word Automatic Print install dir.
  • PowerPoint Autoprint: AutomaticPrint-<Date>.log is written to %APPDATA%\Waters\NuGenesis LMS PowerPoint Automatic Print. Configured by AutomaticPrint.dll.config in the Word Automatic Print install dir.


In NuGenesis 8 LMS SR2 Hotfix 6, the client installer incorrectly creates the path %APPDATA%\Waters\NuGenesis LMS\ and the file weln_user_settings.xml in that path. This is a defect in the SR2 Hotfix 6 installer. The log file remains in the path %APPDATA%\Waters\NuGenesis LMS\


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