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Cannot find documents through content search in NuGenesis LMS - WKB26571

Article number: 26571



  • NuGenesis 9.1
    • Oracle Database 19c
  • NuGenesis 9.0
    • Oracle Database 12.2, 19.6
  • NuGenesis 8 LMS
    • Oracle Database 11.2
  • NuGenesis 8 ELN
    • Oracle Database 11.2


The document sections contain data in the Microsoft Office 2007+ file formats. NuGenesis LMS uses the Oracle Text option and its "AUTO_FILTER" technology to index the document contents. In Oracle 11.2, the AUTO_FILTER can index the Office 2007+ file formats, but LMS does not store these files in the database in that format. It stores the files in the OLE Compound Binary File format, and the filter cannot index the 2007+ files if they are inside Compound Binary files.  This limitation remains in NuGenesis 9.x and Oracle 12c/19c.


  1. Defect report CRI-2854 was filed for this issue
  2. If the section is available as a separate .docx, .xlsx, or .pptx file, attach that file to the LMS document section; LMS does not wrap the section attachments into OLE Compound Binary files, so the AUTO_FILTER can index the section attachments
  3. If the section is not available as a separate file, open the section, save it to a file on disk, and then attach the file.
  4. If possible, save the file in the Office 2003 file format, and insert it into LMS documents via drag-and-drop.
  5. If the section was inserted via a section template, either modify the section template to use the 2003 file format or enable the "CF_TEXT" rendition:
    • Click the LMS main menu > Administration > Section Management
    • Select a section template. If it's approved, click the Modify button
    • Select the Renditions tab
    • Click the "Check OLE Renditions" button
    • LMS displays the available renditions for the section template. Excel and Word offer a "CF_TEXT" rendition; choose this rendition for these section types
    • Save and approve the section template
  6. LMS can index the CF_TEXT renditions, and the renditions are updated automatically as users edit the sections


This limitation is due to the limitations of the AUTO_FILTER technology in Oracle.

The attached SQL script can display the indexed search terms for a given LMS document.


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