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The NuGenesis SDMS Data Management module is running but no DM log files are present on the disk - WKB224381

Article number: 224381



  • NuGenesis 9 SDMS
  • NuGenesis 8 SDMS


There are no candidates for deletion found in the SDMS File Data projects.


The NuGenesis RPC service does not have permission to write the log files to disk.

Restarting the NuGenesis RPC Service also resolves this issue in some cases.


  1. This is the expected behavior of the DMM if there are no files to delete
  2. The NuGenesis RPC service account must have permission to write to the log file location
  3. Ensure that the SDMS user account in the DM Configuration is set to an account that has access to all of the SDMS File Data projects.


At the start of each Data Management cycle (determined by the Refresh Interval in the DM configuration), the module runs a SQL query on the database to check for files that are candidates for deletion, and it groups the results by the Vendor/Product/Revision information from the SDMS records. For example, if the list of deletion candidates includes files archive by three adapters—for example, NuGenesis Technologies Corp. / Generic / 0, Waters Corp. / Empower-3 Projects / 0, and Dionex Corp. / Chromeleon Sequences / 7.2—there will be three DM runs, one for each distinct group of VPRs. Each run gets its own log file on disk. The log file name is "NGDM_", then the project name, and then the Vendor, Product, and Revision for the DM run. If the initial SQL query produces no records, there will be no DM runs scheduled and no log files written to disk.

An enhancement request (CRI-4191) was filed for NuGenesis to create a new DMM log file for cases where no DM candidates are present.  This CRI was rejected because the requested log file could have had potentially misleading information.  The check for distinct VPRs is done once per DM refresh interval, and through the interval, the log would have the same message, even if records become candidates for deletion during that interval.



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