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What are the hidden registry keys and their functions for the NuGenesis data adapter for Empower projects? - WKB21168

Article number: 21168


  • NuGenesis 8 SDMS
  • NuGenesis 8 Data Adapters Release 3 or later
  • Empower 2
  • Empower 3


On the SDMS server:

Registry path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\NuGenesis Technologies Corp.\NuGenesis\8.0\EVS\Vendor Registry\Waters Corp.

Name Type Default value Present by default? Description
MaxChannels REG_DWORD 0x00007d00 (32000) Yes Sets the upper limit for projects that will be archived by the Empower data adapter.  Projects that contain more channels than the value of this registry key will not be archived. This value is ignored if the NuGenesis template line uses Empower-based grouping.
ServiceRestartTime REG_SZ 30 Yes Sets the interval, in minutes, at which communications with the Waters EmpowerDA services are re-established.


On the Empower client machine:

Registry path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\NuGenesis Technologies Corp.\NuGenesis\8.0\EVSLogging

Name Type Default value Present by default? Description
EnableLogging REG_SZ <N/A> No Valid range: YES or NO. Enables another log file for the data adapter. The log file is created in the path specified by LoggingOuputDirectory. If that key does not exist, or specifies an invalid path, the log file is not created.
LoggingOutputDirectory REG_SZ <N/A> No Sets the log file location for the "EnableLogging" key.


Registry path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\NuGenesis Technologies Corp.\NuGenesis\8.0\EVS\Vendor Registry\Waters Corp.

Name Type Default value Present by default? Description
ARCHIVELOGENABLE REG_SZ N Yes Valid range: Y or N. Enables or disables an additional log file for the data adapter. It will be written to Drive:\Program Files (x86)\NuGenesis\EVS\EmpowerLog.
BATCHSIZEFORARCHIVAL REG_SZ 20 Yes Valid range: 1-100. Sets a limit to the number of projects that will be considered for archiving in one scan by the data adapter. If there are 50 projects to archive and this key is set to 20, only 20 projects will be considered for archive in the first scan.  The remaining projects will be archived on subsequent scans.
EnableCheckCRC REG_SZ N Yes Valid range: Y or N. If Y, the data adapter will perform a CRC check on each .DAT file in the project backup. If a file's checksum does not match that of the equivalent file on the Waters raw data share, the project will not be archived. This feature imposes a performance penalty on the data adapter and is off by default.
ENABLEFULLEXTRACT REG_SZ <N/A> No Valid range: Y or N. If Y, the data adapter will extract channel custom fields from archived projects. If N, or if the key is not present, the data adapter will not extract channel custom fields.
MaxNumberOfChannelsToExtractAllKeys REG_DWORD 1 Yes Valid range: 1-"MaxChannels" registry key.  Sets a limit on the number of channels for which the data adapter will extract channel-specific metadata, including custom fields. If a project contains more channels than the value of this key, the first X channels will have full metadata, and the remaining channels will not have channel-specific metadata extracted. Increase this value if you want to have full channel and result metadata for channels greater than 1.

This option increases the time to archive a project. It should be left at 1, unless the full metadata is required.




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