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How to upgrade the Java Runtime environment for NuGenesis 9 SDMS - WKB190676

Article number: 190676


Install an updated JRE for use with NuGenesis SDMS WebVision and the SDMS Audit Trail web apps.


  • NuGenesis 9 SDMS
  • Java 8 Update 172 x86 is the default JRE in NuGenesis 9 SDMS
  • Apache Tomcat 9, minimum version 9.0.8


  1. Stop the Apache Tomcat 9 service on the NuGenesis web server.
  2. Install the latest version of Java 8 32-bit on the NuGenesis web server. Do NOT uninstall the Java 1.8 Update 172 JRE
  3. Copy the following files into the equivalent paths for the more recent JRE:
    • Drive:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre1.8.0_172\lib\ext\jdbc.jar
    • Drive:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre1.8.0_172\bin\JdbcOdbc.dll
  4. Example destination paths:
    • Drive:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre1.8.0_282\lib\ext\jdbc.jar
    • Drive:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre1.8.0_282\bin\JdbcOdbc.dll
  5. Run the following program:
    • Drive:\Program Files (x86)\Waters\apache-tomcat-9.0.8\bin\tomcat9w.exe
    • NOTE: If Apache Tomcat has been upgraded, then use the following command to invoke the Tomcat configuration tool:
      • Drive:\Program Files (x86)\Waters\apache-tomcat-9.0.XX\bin\tomcat9w.exe //ES//tomcat90XX
      • XX= the Tomcat version number, such as 9.0.48
  6. Select the Java tab in the Tomcat configuration tool
  7. Ensure that the selected Java Runtime is the updated JRE; if not, clear the "Use default" check box and browse to the jvm.dll file for the new JRE
  8. Restart the Apache Tomcat 9 service


This procedure is only for customers who require an updated JRE with NuGenesis SDMS. The SDMS web apps were extensively tested with the default JRE (1.8 update 172 x86) and have undergone only very limited tests with updated JREs.

Oracle change the license agreement for Java after the v1.8 update 202 release.  Versions after update 202 may require an additional paid license from Oracle.  Versions up to 1.8 update 202 are not expected to incur additional license costs.

To confirm that Apache Tomcat is using the updated JRE, go to the Logs folder for Tomcat (Drive:\Program Files (x86)\Waters\apache-tomcat-9.0.8\logs) and open the latest catalina.DATE.log file. The log file should show the Java Home path, the JVM version, and the JVM vendor.

See also: How to upgrade the version of Apache Tomcat as used with NuGenesis SDMS


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