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How to enable debug logging for NuGenesis SDMS SDK applications - WKB18130

Article number: 18130


Enable debug logging for applications that make use of the NuGenesis SDMS Software Development Kit (SDK). (The debug logs provide detailed information to Waters Support regarding technical issues with the SDMS SDK.)


  • NuGenesis 9 SDMS
  • NuGenesis 8 SDMS


SDK applications need a custom set of registry keys. The debug logging procedure for SDMS applications does not apply to non-NuGenesis applications that make use of the SDMS SDK.

  1. Find the executable file for the non-NuGenesis application within Windows Explorer
    • For Java applications, the executable is java.exe or javaw.exe, typically in Drive:\Program Files (x86)\Javasoft\bin
  2. Press alt-Enter to open the properties page for this file
  3. Select the Details tab
  4. Record the Product Name and Version information
  5. Close the properties page
  6. Copy the information from the Additional Information section and paste it into a new Notepad file
  7. Change the "CONFIGMGR Application" text to the Product Name from the program's .exe file
  8. For NuGenesis 9.x: delete the "7.0\" part of the registry path.  NuGenesis 9 does not use the product version number in it's registry paths
  9. For NuGenesis 8.x: change the "7.0" text to the product version number from Step 4
  10. Save the file with the .reg extension
  11. Merge the contents of that file into the registry
  12. Restart the application if it is active
  13. The debug log will be written in the same path as the .exe file. The log name will be "filename-XXXX.log", where "filename" is the program's .exe file name


Here is an example registry file which will enable debug logging for the NuGenesis 8 SDMS SDK inside the Empower 3 Configuration Manager program:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\NuGenesis Technologies Corp.\CONFIGMGR Application\7.0\Debug]
"Default Assertion Action"=dword:00000001
"Global Level"=dword:ffffffff
"MSL Enabled"=hex:01
"MSL Level"=dword:ffffffff
"SQL Enabled"=hex:01
"SQL Level"=dword:ffffffff
"MSLCache Enabled"=hex:01
"MSLCache Level"=dword:ffffffff
"iMSL Enabled"=hex:01
"iMSL Level"=dword:ffffffff
"sMSL Enabled"=hex:01
"sMSL Level"=dword:ffffffff
"Toolkit Enabled"=hex:01
"Toolkit Level"=dword:ffffffff
"MSL Shell Core Enabled"=hex:01
"MSL Shell Core Level"=dword:ffffffff



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