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Are there any limits to the sizes of documents, sections, or section attachments in NuGenesis LMS? - WKB116870

Article number: 116870


  • NuGenesis 9 LMS
  • NuGenesis 8 LMS


There is no technical limit imposed by LMS on the sizes of documents or sections. There is no known limit to the number of sections per document, nor to the size in bytes of the contents of each section.

There are practical limitations to storing section attachments in LMS. Attempting to store large files (>= 250 MB) as section attachments often leads to out-of-memory conditions in the LMS client. This error typically requires a restart of the LMS client software to resolve, and in so doing, a user may lose unsaved data in LMS. Therefore, uploading large files as section attachments is not recommended in NuGenesis LMS. CRI-1388 was filed for this issue. Starting in NuGenesis 9.1, there is a new option for section attachments in LMS: SDMS Upload. This option uploads files to a predetermined SDMS project rather than to the LMS database tables. This option is preferred for large file attachments in LMS.

In NuGenesis versions 8.0 through 9.0.2, the client would display a warning message if a file attachment upload is greater than 10 MB, but the user could click OK to ignore the message, which would potentially lead to the out-of-memory error. In NuGenesis 9.1, there is now a configurable limit to the size of section attachments. The limit is defined in the LMS system configuration and can be anywhere in the range of 10 to 50 MB. If a user tries to upload a file larger than the limit, the upload is blocked. The user would get the option to upload the file to NuGenesis SDMS if that option is so configured in NuGenesis LMS; if so, then the file is uploaded to the project "LMS_Attachments" in SDMS, along with the section attachment GUID, the document ID, and the section title. The name of the SDMS project is hardcoded to "LMS_Attachments" and cannot be changed.




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