How to group peaks for analysis in TargetLynx - WKB7520
In TargetLynx, calculate the summed area or response for a group of peaks that were acquired on the same quantification trace.
- TargetLynx
- QuanLynx
- MassLynx
In the TargetLynx method editor, add a new compound and name it, for example, "Group 1" (see attached file for screenshots).
On the Compound Properties tab, from the drop-down menu set Locate Peak Selection to "Totals".
To include all detected peaks in this group, set Retention Time Window to 0.000. To specify a time range for peak inclusion, set Predicted Retention Time to a time that is centered in the elution window for the peaks of interest, and then set the retention time window to the appropriate tolerance (for example, ± 1 min).
Add the Total Group field to the compound properties page by right-clicking and selecting the Total Group box. In Total Group, create a group ID (for example, "G1"). Include specific compounds to this group by specifying the same ID in the Total Group field for each compound.
In Group1 compound properties, in the Totals Include field, select the compounds to sum: "named", "unnamed", or "All". "Named" compounds are identified as belonging to a specific group, while "unnamed" peaks elute within the time window of interest.
After data is processed, the summed group totals can be displayed using the “∑” button on the "Group1" compound page.
id7520, TARLYNX41