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File Name, Sample Type, Std Conc, and other fields in a TargetLynx dataset are blank - WKB25982

Article number: 25982


  • A TargetLynx dataset (.qld file) is moved from one MassLynx PC to another. The two PCs have different MassLynx SCNs installed.
  • When the dataset is opened on the new PC, the results do not display correctly. The File Name, Sample Type, and Std Conc fields are blank. Sometimes the Sample ID field is also blank.
  • If the dataset is reprocessed, the concentrations and calibration curves disappear.


  • MassLynx 4.1 and 4.2
  • TargetLynx (also seen with QuanLynx, which is still available on Tof systems)


This problem occurs when a TargetLynx dataset that was created in a relatively recent release of MassLynx 4.1 or 4.2 (any SCN from Group 1 below) is moved to a different PC that has an earlier release of MassLynx 4.1, or to one with any MassLynx 4.1 or MassLynx 4.2 SCN that was released for the acquisition and control of a Tof system (any SCN from Group 2 below).

TargetLynx datasets are not forward-compatible between groups 1 and 2.

Group 1 SCNs
A. TargetLynx in SCN 791, SCN 855, SCN 871, SCN 888, SCN 901, SCN 918, SCN 925, SCN 930, SCN 947.
B. TargetLynx XS in SCN 909, SCN 940, SCN 943, SCN 945, SCN 950, SCN 962, SCN 976, SCN 977, SCN 982, SCN 984, SCN 986

Group 2 SCNs
TargetLynx in SCN 714, SCN 803, SCN 805, SCN 810; SCN 843, SCN 876, SCN 905, SCN 919, SCN 920, and all Tof SCNs.


Where possible, do not use older MassLynx SCNs (those in Group 2 above) for data processing. This is especially important in labs where the users want to be able to move TargetLynx .qld files around between different PCs that have different versions of MassLynx installed.

If possible, upgrade MassLynx on the PC that is showing this issue. For example, on a Xevo TQ-S acquisition PC, upgrade MassLynx SCN 905 to SCN 986. In cases where there is no available upgrade path on the MassLynx acquisition PC(s), consider using MassLynx Desktop for all data processing. 

All data processing of Tof data should take place on a separate processing PC using the latest version of MassLynx 4.2 Desktop, as mentioned in the MassLynx release notes.


1. For datasets that were created using TargetLynx XS (i.e., any SCN in Group 1B):

  • If the dataset is being opened using TargetLynx in a Group 2 SCN, the Summary Table will be almost completely blank. Peaks will be present but not integrated. However, calibration curves will be present. After reprocessing, some of the information in the Summary Table will reappear, and the peaks will become integrated, but the calibration curves will disappear.
  • If the dataset is being opened using TargetLynx in a Group 1A SCN, the Summary Table will be blank except for the File Name, Sample Type, and Std Conc fields. However, all results will correctly display after reprocessing (choose Processing > Execute- Integrate, Calibrate and Quantify).

2. It is not possible to open a TargetLynx dataset that was created using a Group 1 or Group 2 SCN (listed above) in TargetLynx in MassLynx 4.1 SCN 815 (the latest AutoSpec control software) or SCN 816 (the latest GCT-P control software). The TargetLynx browser will open but it will be blank. 

Waters only guarantees that TargetLynx datasets are backward-compatible—which means that .qld files created in older versions can always be opened in newer versions of MassLynx, but not the other way round.

Note: MassLynx 4.2 SCN 966 for the Xevo G2 XS QTof, released Dec 2018, includes TargetLynx XS with the latest version of TargetLynx (group 1B above).

id25982, MLYNX, MLYNXV41, SCN714, SCN791, SCN803, SCN805, SCN810, SCN815, SCN816, SCN843, SCN855, SCN871, SCN876, SCN888, SCN901, SCN905, SCN909, SCN918, SCN919, SCN920, SCN925, SCN930, SCN940, SCN943, SCN945, SCN947, SCN950, SCN962, SCN966, SCN976, SCN977, SCN982, SCN984, SCN986, SUPMM, TARLYNX41

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