Which characters cannot be used in file names in MassLynx? - WKB2435
Article number: 2435
- Windows
- MassLynx
- TargetLynx
- FractionLynx
- MaxEnt
- DynamX 3.0
- BioPharmaLynx
General restrictions imposed by Windows OS
- The names of all files are restricted to 259 characters by the operating system/disk formatting system. For normal Windows use with a standard NTFS format drive, the file name and the file path should be less than 259 characters long in total. See Microsoft: Naming Files, Paths, and Namespaces.
- The OS reserves the following characters and they should not be used in file names:
< (less than)
> (greater than)
: (colon)
" (double quote)
/ (forward slash)
\ (backslash)
| (vertical bar or pipe)
? (question mark)
* (asterisk)
3. The only characters recommended for MassLynx file naming use are:
Additional MassLynx restrictions
- Do not use a decimal point / full stop / period ' . ' in a file name. This can cause files to become corrupted (particularly inlet files)
- Do not use spaces in file paths and names. Use an underscore instead, for example: C:\Users\waters\Documents\My_data_files\File_Name.raw, instead of C:\Users\waters\Documents\My data files\File Name.raw
- MassLynx Sample list now restricts the following characters as they are reserved in XML code: < > & ' "
- There is a 40 character length limitation on the names of MassLynx MS methods (.exp files)
- There is a 55 character length limit for function names in MS Methods
- TargetLynx restricts compound names to 80 characters or less.
- Maxent 1 has also been reported to crash when file names with more than 40 characters are used.
- Do not use square brackets or colons in DynamX 3.0 file names. Exporting plots from DynamX 3.0 has been reported to fail if these characters are present, for example: 001 Sample:HC[2-452] EVQLVESGGGLVQPGR.
- NeoLynx will not process files if they contain spaces. Ensure that there are no spaces accidentally added at the end of file names.
- Avoid Greek characters. For example, problems occur with mu when used to represent micro (µg). This can even cause problems for some of our stand-alone data analysis applications when only used in the sample description column of the MassLynx sample list as the sample description.
Note: The following characters are reserved for XML code so should not be used: < > & " '
See Reserved XML characters in project files