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With Empower, how do you calculate baseline noise and baseline drift in mV when the detector units are not the same? - WKB267394

Article number: 267394


  • Empower 3 Enterprise   


In Empower, all the detector noise and detector drift calculations are reported in detector units (plot units). In contrast, baseline noise and the baseline drift are independent of the detector used and report as mV.

To get the values reported in mV, Empower uses the Scale to µV function (plot units / µV) and divides the value by a factor of 1000.

For example, to convert the detector units to mV for baseline noise:

Baseline Noise in mV = (Value in Plot Units / Scale to µV) / 1000 µV/mV

To convert the baseline noise in mV to Plot units:

Value in Plot Units = Baseline Noise in mV * Scale to µV * 1000  

You can also use these formulas to convert the baseline drift value. Replace the baseline noise value with the baseline drift value.



id267394, baseline ripple

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