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How do you sign off results in Empower? - WKB262532

Article number: 262532


  • Empower with electronic signatures enabled in System Policies and report method properties


Signing Off Results
Personnel assigned sign-off privileges by the system administrator can review results in Preview, and then sign off the displayed results. Multiple sign offs on the same result are allowed in Preview.

A result can be signed off only after all result sign off conditions have been satisfied and all pages in the report have been reviewed. 
If you modify a report method, you must save the report method before you can sign off the report, even if it is non-Full Audit Trail. You also have to re-enable "Allow the Method to be Used For Signoff" after making changes. 

To sign off results:

Access Report Publisher with the results or result sets you want to sign off. Preview appears with this data. 
Review each page in the report (if there are multiple pages), then click image\Signoff.gif (Sign Off). The Sign-Off Results dialog box appears, identifying the user signing off, the number of results, and the password. If desired, you can reposition the Sign Off Results dialog box to the side of the Preview while you review and sign off the results. 
Enter the appropriate user name and password. 
Note: If a user fails to enter the correct user name and/or password after a predefined number of sign off attempts (specified by the system administrator as part of the user account system policies), a message box appears indicating that Empower software refuses user signoff. At that point, the user account is disabled and an entry is made in the System Audit Trail View table. Consult your system administrator for assistance.

From the Reason list, select an appropriate Result Signoff 1 or 2 reason for the signoff action (created previously in Configuration Manager, in the Default Strings dialog box). 
Click image\SignOff1.gif. The result is now signed off. These actions occur for each signed result: 
If a report method exists with a report table that contains the Result Signoff database fields (Signoff Date, Signoff Reason, Signoff Meaning, etc.), every time a result is signed off the result signoff log (which is part of the result record) is automatically updated with the new result signoff information. 
If a report method does not contain the signoff table, a message appears notifying you that the result was signed off successfully and to add the signoff table to your method to view the signoff information. 
Note: For projects created before version 3.2 and then restored, Empower software cannot use the signoff fields included in the associated report methods (Sign Off Date 1, Sign Off User 1, Sign Off Date 2, and Sign Off User 2). You must delete those database fields and replace them with Sign Off Date, Sign Off Full Name, and Sign Off Reason. Click for details on creating or modifying a report table.

If you access the Result view table in the Project window, observe that all signed off results are flagged in the Number of Sign Offs field in this view. The Number of Sign Offs database field automatically increments each time the associated result is signed off. 
To access other results for sign-off in Preview, click image\NxtQue.gif (Next Report) or image\PrevRpt.gif (Previous Report). 
Repeat steps 2 to 6 for each result you want to sign off. 
After signing off results, if the system privileges specify to "Allow ‘Lock Channels’ After Sign-Off 2", select Lock Channels After Sign Off (in the Sign Off Results dialog box) depending on whether you intend to restrict any further action on the data channel after this sign off stage. If you select the check box, the channel data cannot be reprocessed in Review (the channel data can be brought into Review and be processed, but the result cannot be saved). 




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