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What is the best SEC column to analyze AAV9 and its aggregates? - WKB123662

Article number: 123662


  • Size exclusion chromatography (SEC) 
  • AAV
  • Serotype AAV9


The SEC column recommendation for AAVs of approximately 20 nm in size and different serotypes (such as AAV9) is 18607643 (XBridge BEH450 SEC 3.5µm 7.8x300mm), suggested for monomer vs. dimer 20-nm AAVs.


No single mobile phase works for different serotypes; optimal SEC mobile composition should be evaluated depending on what serotype of AAV is being analyzed.

For additional information, see What are some scouting conditions to explore for SEC separation of 20-nm AAVs? and Size-Exclusion Chromatography Analysis of Adeno-Associated Virus (AAV) Preparations Using a 450 Å Diol-Bonded BEH Column and Fluorescence Detection.

id123662, eluent

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