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Customizing the sample list display

Article number: 74407

You can display many different columns of information in the sample list. The display you choose is saved when you save the sample list, although the display format can also be saved separately.

Tip: Displaying the most appropriate columns, and hiding those that are not needed, will help you to quickly see everything you need without being distracted by unnecessary information.

To customize visible columns and column order:

  1. On the sample list menu bar, click Samples > Format > Customize.

    Alternative: Right-click on the sample list and click Customize Display.

  1. In the Customize Field Display dialog box, select the boxes next to columns you want to be visible, and clear the boxes next to columns you want to hide.
  2. To change the order of columns, select a column in the list and click the Move up or down arrows until the column is in the required position. Repeat this for other columns if necessary.
  3. When you have finished making changes, click OK.

To customize column titles, decimal places, and alignment:

  1. Click a cell in the column you want to modify, then – on the sample list menu bar – click Samples > Column > Properties.

    Alternative: Right-click on the column heading and click Properties.

  1. Modify the column title, alignment, and (for numeric columns only) the number of decimal places displayed.
  2. Click OK.

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