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SELECT SERIES MRT tune, MALDI, and DESI control page - Table of Contents

Article number: 230278


  1. MRT Tune and Imaging Control Page 
  • Overview
  • How to set up an imaging experiment
  1. MRT Hardware Overview 
  • MRT instrument schematic
  • Instrument optics
  • Ion optics - Ion source to Tof
  • Ion optics in section view - Ion source to Tof
  • Tof geometry (1)
  • Ion optics in section view - Tof focusing optics
  • Tof geometry (2)
  • Pusher region and lower reflectron voltage gradient
  • Periodic lens block region
  1. MRT Tune Page 
  • Masslynx
  • MRT tune page (1)
  • MRT and diamond Tof modes
  • MRT - Duty cycle considerations
  • Standard and protein modes
  • MRT tune page (2)
  • MRT tune page - DESI source tab
  • MRT tune page - MALDI source tab
  • MRT tune page - StepWave tab
  • MRT tune page - Quad/MS profile tab
  • MRT tune page - Ion guides tab
  • MRT tune page - Transfer tab
  • MRT tune page - RF tab
  • MRT tune page - Manual calibration
  • MRT tune page - Vacuum readbacks
  • MRT tune page - Detector setup
  • MRT tune page - Resolution optimisation
  • MRT tune page - Health status
  • MRT tune page - Diagnostic summary
  1. DESI Imaging Control Page Overview 
  • DESI control page
  • Imaging control page - Manual configuration
  • DESI control page - Stage
  • Imaging control page - Experiment details
  1. Importing a Slide Image into the DESI Control Page 
  • Importing a slide image
  • Importing an additional slide image
  1. Single Region Experimental Overview 
  • Imaging control page - Constant velocity experiment setup
  • Imaging control page - Single region experiment setup
  1. Multi-Region Experimental Setup 
  • Imaging control page - Multi region experiment setup
  1. Creating an MS(MS) Method 
  • Create MS(MS) method
  • Create MS(MS) method for imaging experiment
  • MRT - Method editor
  • Using continuous LockMass correction tool
  • Using continuous LockMass correction tool - Parameter editor
  • Using continuous LockMass correction tool (2)
  • Add MS(MS) function to method
  • MS function
  • MS(MS) function
  • MS function (2)
  • Create MS(MS) method (2)
  • Create MS method 
  • MS Methods
  1. Intensity Preview and Image Heatmap 
  • Image control page - Intensity preview
  1. Aligning the DESI Sprayer and Stage 
  • Stage alignment
  1. MALDI Imaging Control Page Overview 
  • MALDI and DESI stage control pages
  • MALDI stage control page
  • MALDI stage control page - Multi-region experiment view
  • MALDI control page - Stage
  1. How to Calibrate the MRT 
  • Mass scale calibration
  • Procedure for calibrating the mass scale
  • Calibration process
  • Calibrant sample preparation
  • Procedure for m/z calibration using DESI and poly-alanine thin film
  1. The Well-Plate Workflow for Non-Imaging Experiments 
  • Well plate workflow
  • Well plate workflow - MALDI
  • Well plate workflow - DESI

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