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REM Method Editor

Article number: 269359

To acquire sample data in REM mode

  1. Open MassLynx, and then select the Instrument tab.
  2. Click MS Method.


  1. Select REM in the Analyser Mode drop-down menu.


  1. Ensure that the Lock Mass to be used is appropriate for the REM mass range selected.

NOTE:    The precursor mass of leucine enkephalin (m/z 556.27658 / 554.26202) and can be used for the 200-600 m/z and 300-1000 m/z mass ranges whereas the following fragment ion of leucine enkephalin can be used for the 100-300 m/z mass range:

Positive ion (M+H)+ = C11H13N2O3 = 221.09207 (Neutral = C11H12N2O3)

Negative ion (M-H)- = C11H14N3O3 = 236.10406 (Neutral = C11H15N3O3)


  1. Click Save.
  2. Select the appropriate ms method files for sample analysis.


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