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How to do an electronic reboot on a Xevo Series QTof? - WKB1043

Article number: 1043


Electronic reboot on a Xevo QTof that is under vacuum (the rough pumps are on).


  • Xevo QTof
  • Xevo G2-S
  • Xevo G2-XS
  • Xevo G2
  • MassLynx 4.1


  1. Flip the pump override switch to the down position. This is the top toggle switch of the two in the center, right at the bottom of the back of the Xevo. You should see notification in the main MassLynx window saying pump override active. You have to pull the switch out to change it.
  2. Exit MassLynx (close the Tune Page, Inlet Editor, the Console and then MassLynx)
  3. Run stopACQUITYProcesses (C:\Program files (x86)\Waters Instruments\Bin\StopACQUITYProcesses.cmd or StopProcesses.exe). This is not necessary if the PC is going to be rebooted in step 6.
  4. Power off the external epc using the power button on the back of the EPC(do not use the red reset button on the front) if it is a Xevo G2 (all other instrument EPCs will power off with the electronics)
  5. Flip the electronics toggle switch down. This is the bottom of the two toggle switches at the back of the Xevo
  6. Wait a minute or two – If you want you can reboot the PC during this time. Once logged back into windows you can power cycle the ACQUITY.
  7. Flip the Electronics toggle on at the back of the Xevo up (only the bottom switch up). The PC has to be on and logged in and the ACQUITY needs to be on
  8. Power on the external epc if it is a Xevo G2 (all other instrument EPCs will power on with the electronics)
  9. Wait 5 minutes for the EPC to boot up
  10. Go into MassLynx
  11. Open the Tune Page
  12. Check the vacuum  - View ->Vacuum, then go to the vacuum tab – make sure you have real vacuum readings (not 1e-8 for the Tof vacuum).  If there isn't a real Tof vacuum reading start the reboot over again
  13. Flip the pump override (top) switch back to the auto position (up) once you have good vacuum
  14. Put the MS into operate mode


Do not do use the pump override switch if the system is not already pumped down.


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