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How to optimize the ACQUITY QDa Mass Detector SIR conditions? - WKB82044

Article number: 82044


Optimize the ACQUITY QDa Mass Detector SIR conditions


  • ACQUITY QDa Mass Detector  


  1. Create an instrument method with about 6 lines of MS Scan function added
    • Set the Start Mass/End Mass specified in each function within the range including m/z of the target component.
    • Set different cone voltages for each function (10-25V for Positive, 20-35V for Negative)
    • When setting the number of functions and the range of the Start Mass/End Mass, be careful so that the actual Sampling Rate won’t be too insufficient.
  2. Specify the instrument method created in step 1 and measure the standard.
    • If you want to shorten the time, connect a longer PEEK tube instead of the column, and adjust to make the wide peaks elute immediately after injection.
  3. From the scan data acquired in step 2, confirm the target component m/z and the optimum value for Cone Voltage.
  4. Create a new instrument method with SIR functions added, enter the m/z and Cone Voltage obtained in step 3.
  5. Connect the column, specify the instrument method created in step 4 (LC conditions were changed for column measurement), and perform standard measurement.
    • Check the number of points within the elution time of the peak, if insufficient, increase the sampling rate (at least 15 points per peak)
  6. Check the measured data from step 5, if the sensitivity is insufficient, create multiple instrument methods with different Capillary Voltage and measure the standard several times
    (Set to 0.3-1.5 kV for positive and 0.3-0.8 kV for negative)
  7. Confirm the measured data from step 6 and enter the optimum capillary voltage value into the SIR instrument method
  8. Set the Probe Temperature using the following as a goal.
    Flow rate 0.3 mL/min or more: Use the initial value of 600 °C
    Flow rate 0.25-0.3 mL/min: Use 300 °C


QDa Quick Reference Card - Starting Points (715004968)

id82044, QDA

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