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Waters Knowledge Base Searching Tips

Article number: 17836

NOTE: This article presents information on searching and ways for you to improve your search results in the Waters Knowledge Base. Depending on how you learn best you can choose to read the text or watch the videos to get all your search tips! 

How Search Works

Search queries are processed to return results that are closest to the original query at the top of the results while allowing for less relevant results to return when closer matches are not found.

MindTouch Intelligent search may include any page content (see list below) when ranking search results for relevance. None of these content areas is prioritized or weighted over another.

  • Title
  • Page URL
  • Tags
  • Page content
  • File name
  • File title
  • File content for attachments 5 MB or smaller (only when Include Attachments toggle is set to ON. See Deep Dive into Filter Results below for more information)

Use Natural Language for Good Results

Articles in the Waters KB are written in the context of the client's experience using the client's words. This means that in most situations a natural language search using the client's words or experience should be sufficient. The search engine allows for some variation called fuzzy search results: antivirus  would also find anti virus. 


Filtering By Frequently Used

Have you ever wished you could filter results to see the articles that are most frequently linked to cases? Well, you can!

  1. Perform your natural language search
  2. On the left hand side of the screen I want you to click on the carrot by classification
  3. Select the plus sign next to frequently used
  • High- These are the articles that are most frequently used by your peers
  • Medium- These are the next most used after High
  • Low- These are the most infrequently used articles by your peers


Deep Dive into Filter Results

  1. You can manually refine your search results in many ways by using different features in Filter Results.
  2. Perform your natural language search
  3. On the left hand side of the screen click on the carrot by Location and Classification.
  4. Under Location
    • You will see many categories that should look familiar because they are all of the categories on the Waters Knowledge Base homepage.
    • The corresponding numbers indicate how many documents there are in each category. 
    • When you click on one of these categories it will now apply your search to only this location in the knowledge base. 
    • You can further drill down by clicking on the sub categories.
    • You can see exactly where you are in the breadcrumbs under the search bar.
    • If you want to clear these filters click on Clear All Filters at the top of Filter Results
  5. Under Classification
    • Article Type- filter to see only articles of a certain type.
    • Released- 
      • No- Articles not web-released to clients
      • Yes- Articles are web-released to clients
    • Frequently used- covered above
    • Include Attachments toggle- 
      • This is set to off by default.
      • Turning it on will point the search to include all attached items 



Use the Plus Sign (+) to Suppress Fuzzy Search

While fuzzy search results are usually helpful, they can be detrimental when researching error codes or part numbers. Use the plus sign (+) to reduce fuzzy search: +ORA-00257

The plus sign (+) will only bring back articles with the exact word following +, but use this with caution because you easily eliminate results with a slightly different wording. So be sure to use your natural search first. 

The plus sign (+) works like double quotes and the Boolean AND.


Use the Minus Sign (-) to Eliminate Unwanted Terms

Refining your search can be accomplished by eliminating unwanted terms from your results. Using the minus sign (-) in your search query will eliminate the word after the minus sign (-) from all search results: 2695 Alliance -Intermittent Pressure Drops

The minus sign (-) works like the Boolean NOT.


Use Boolean Operators to Fine Tune Your Query

Boolean Operators are simple words (AND, OR, NOT) used as conjunctions to combine or exclude keywords in a search, resulting in more focused and productive results. 

Booleans need to be in all capital letters. The are AND, OR and NOT

  • AND- requires both terms to be in each item returned. If one term is contained in the document and the other is not, the item is not included in the resulting list. (Narrows the search)
  • OR- either term (or both) will be in the returned document. (Broadens the search)
  • NOT- the first term is searched, then any records containing the term after the operators are subtracted from the results. (Be careful with use as the attempt to narrow the search may be too exclusive and eliminate good records)

The search phrase low pressure AND Alliance 2695 will only bring back results containing items before and after the AND (pressure/ Alliance).

The search phrase low pressure Alliance NOT 2695 will only bring back items containing low pressure Alliance that dont contain 2695.


Grouping Terms

Multiple clauses can be searched using parenthesis, similar to a math equation. This can be useful if you want to control the Boolean logic for a query.

  • Example: (low pressure Alliance) "2695" will only show results containing the exact term 2695 as well as the grouped terms in parenthesis.
  • Example: Group terms with parenthesis and use Boolean operators to separate them. (low OR pressure) AND 2695. This searches for either "low" or "pressure" and "2695" in the query.


Using Search Constraints

Use fields title, tag or content followed by a colon to search particular sections of an article

title:XXXX-- Only returns search results that are specific to the page title.

  • Example title: Alliance 2695 will result in items that have Alliance 2695 included in the title and allow fuzzy results. 

tag:XXXX-- Lists all pages that are tagged with the specific tag you are searching. 

  • Example tag:iS will return only articles with the iS tag. 



id17836, ALLISQPDA, ALLISQTUV, checkvalve

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