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My files are not captured by SDMS when Ignore Archive Bit is active - WKB2207

Article number: 2207


  • Files are not captured by SDMS according to a configured file capture template


  • NuGenesis 8 SDMS
  • At least one line in a file capture template uses the Ignore Archive Bit option


The files fall within the date range formed by the highest and lowest file-modification or file-creation dates of all files within a specific folder. When the "Ignore Archive Bit" option is active in a template, the system tracks the highest and lowest file dates for each folder within the scan path, and only files outside the date ranges will become candidates for archive.


  1. Read the "My files are not being captured by SDMS" KCS article to ensure that the files meet the archive criteria in the template.
  2. Move the files to a new subfolder within the scan path if the files are candidates for archive based on the basic criteria but are still not archived by SDMS. The system sees the new folder and archives all of the files in it because it does not have any dates tracked for that folder.
  3. A second option is to Cut the files from the present location and paste the file in temp location. Then move the files back into the original location. The file Creation date is updated.


The Ignore Archive Bit option is often used when archiving files from Unix, Linux, or Mac systems because the common file systems in those OSs do not have an analog to the archive bit in Windows. This option is also used when the normal operation of SDMS file capture would conflict with another application that makes use of the archive bit (example: backup software). Activating this option in a NuGenesis file capture template line also disables the "Reset Archive Bit" and "Do not Archive if cannot Reset Archive Bit" options for that line.


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