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How does the SDMS WebVision welcome screen open the new Audit Trail Viewer in Google Chrome? - WKB201488

Article number: 201488


  • NuGenesis 9.1 SDMS
  • SDMS WebVision is loaded in Internet Explorer directly or in IE mode within Microsoft Edge


The welcome screen uses a small Javascript function to open the new audit trail viewer in Google Chrome. The function first tries to start a Windows Scripting Host shell in IE, and if successful invokes the Chrome application and passes it the URL for the audit trail viewer.


If ActiveX is disabled in IE, the message "Please enable ActiveX in Internet Explorer!" appears.

Depending on the IE security zone of the SDMS web server, the following message may appear when clicking the new Audit Trail Viewer link: "An ActiveX control on this page might be unsafe to interact with other parts of the page. Do you want to allow this interaction?" If this message appears, click Yes to open the audit trail.

If ActiveX is enabled in IE but Google Chrome is not installed or fails to start, the message "Please make sure you have Chrome installed!" appears. The new SDMS Audit Trail viewer requires a modern browser such as Mozilla Firefox, Chromium Edge, or Google Chrome. The Javascript function invokes only Google Chrome, but the app is supported in Edge and Firefox.


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