What is the version history of NuGenesis? - WKB14323
Article number: 14323
- NuGenesis 9
- NuGenesis 8
- NuGenesis 7
- NuGenesis 6
The NuGenesis products have undergone changes in the product names and release nomenclature over their complete version history. Particularly in NuGenesis 8, there are different names for the product and its updates, which can result in confusion, especially if the SDMS internal version number is considered.
- NuGenesis 6.x
- NuGenesis 6.0: 2003. First version to combine Print Capture (UNIFY/VISION) and File Capture (ARCHIVE) into one product
- NuGenesis 6.0.1: 2003
- Service Release 1 through 7: 2003 - 2007
- NuGenesis 7.x
- e-Lab Notebook ("eLN") 2.0: 2005. First release of the product which becomes "NuGenesis LMS". Not bundled with SDMS 7.0.
- e-Lab Notebook 2.0 SR1: 2005
- NuGenesis 7.0: 2005
- 7.0 Service Release 1 (SR1): 2006
- 7.0 Service Release 2 (SR2): 2006
- e-Lab Notebook 3.0: 2006
- NuGenesis 7.1: 2007. First version to have the "eLN Option kit" and be bundled with SDMS. "e-Lab Notebook" was renamed to "Vision Publisher" in this release
- 7.1 Service Release 1 through 7: 2007 - 2010. The Vision Publisher's product version was changed to v7.1 in v7.1 SR3, in order to match the SDMS number.
- e-Lab Notebook ("eLN") 2.0: 2005. First release of the product which becomes "NuGenesis LMS". Not bundled with SDMS 7.0.
- NuGenesis 8
- NuGenesis 8 base release: 2012. Informally known as "SR0". "Vision Publisher" was renamed to "ELN".
- NuGenesis 8 Service Release 1 (SR1): 2013
- NuGenesis 8 Feature Release 1 (FR1): 2015. The ELN product was renamed to LMS. The entire system was renamed to "NuGenesis 8 LMS". In SDMS, this release is "SR2"
- NuGenesis 8 Service Release 2 (SR2): 2016. In the SDMS bug-tracking database and in the Help > About box in the SDMS apps, this release is known as "SR3"
- NuGenesis 8 SR2 Hotfix 1: 2016
- NuGenesis 8 SR2 Hotfix 2:
- NuGenesis 8 SR2 Hotfix 3:
- NuGenesis 8 SR2 Hotfix 4:
- NuGenesis 8 SR2 Hotfix 5:
- NuGenesis 8 SR2 Hotfix 6: 2018
- NuGenesis 8 SR2 Hotfix 7: 2019
- NuGenesis 8 SR2 Hotfix 8: 2021
- NuGenesis 9.x
- NuGenesis 9.0: 2019. This version moved to Oracle's Containerized Database (CDB) product and modernized the technology stack in NuGenesis client/server components.
- NuGenesis 9.0.1: 2019
- NuGenesis 9.0.2: 2020
- NuGenesis 9.0.2 Hotfix 1: 2020
- NuGenesis 9.0.2 Hotfix 2: 2021
- NuGenesis 9.0.2 Hotfix 3: 2022
- NuGenesis 9.0.2 Hotfix 4: 2023
- NuGenesis 9.0.2 Hotfix 5: 2023
- NuGenesis 9.1: 2020. This version moved to Oracle 19c and provided a replacement for the SDMS Audit Trail Viewer web app.
- NuGenesis 9.1 Hotfix 1: 2021
- NuGenesis 9.1 Hotfix 2: 2021
- NuGenesis 9.1 Hotfix 3: 2022
- NuGenesis 9.1 Hotfix 4: 2023
- NuGenesis 9.2: 2021. NOT a standalone release. Available only as part of the Empower LMS 1.0 bundle. Updates were made to LMS in this release, but no updates were made to SDMS; thus, this release includes SDMS v9.1.
- NG 9.2.0 HF1 (EMP LMS 2022
- NuGenesis 9.3.0: 2022. The first release to have a replacment for the legacy SDMS WebVision app, albeit with reduced functionality.
- NuGenesis 9.3.0 Hotfix 1: 2023
- NuGenesis 9.3.0 Hotfix 2: 2023
- NuGenesis 9.3.0 Hotfix 3: 2023
- NuGenesis 9.3.1: 2023. This version has a full replacement for the legacy SDMS WebVision app.
- NuGenesis 9.4.0: 2025. Given the increasing emphasis on data privacy and secure data, enhancements in encryption (database encryption, password encryption) and secure communication between components were addressed. This release also includes NuGenesis LMS 9.4.0 Data Adapters Release 7 (DAR 7).
- NuGenesis 9.0: 2019. This version moved to Oracle's Containerized Database (CDB) product and modernized the technology stack in NuGenesis client/server components.
See also: How do I get the version information for NuGenesis LMS?
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