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Are modifications made to the TargetLynx method when when you open it using Edit > Method within the TargetLynx browser saved to the method file (*.mdb) in the methdb folder of the project? - WKB75835

Article number: 75835


  • Massynx
  • Targetlynx



When opening the TargetLynx method using Edit > Method within the browser, what opens is the copy of the method that is embedded in the TargetLynx Dataset file (*.QLD). Changes make here apply only to this specific dataset.

To save these changes to the TargetLynx processing method (*.mdb), go to File > Export > Method from within the browser and save the method with the new changes to a new *.mdb file.

Alternatively, you can open the *.mdb file from the Edit Method option under the TargetLynx shortcut and make appropriate changes to the file directly.


id75835, TARLYNX41

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