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Cannot collect data from one detector ( 2424) when other Ethernet detectors in the system are powered-off using Empower - WKB4846

Article number: 4846


  • Only need to collect data from ECD detector (2424), 2489 is powered-off. Creating new Instrument methods and new system did not work. System configuration has 2489, e-2695, and 2424 (all Ethernet.)


  • Empower 3 Feature Release 2.
  • Enterprise, client server.
  • Ethernet-controlled Waters instruments (2489, e-2695 and 2424).


This is a defect reported under PCS #45505 titled: Do not turn off Ethernet instruments within an Empower instrument method.

  • Do not turn off Ethernet device from within the Empower instrument method, as this can cause several issues during the run. If a device is not needed in the chromatographic system, this device should not be included when the system is created.


  1. Recreate a chromatographic system in Empower using only the required instruments needed to collect data.
  2. Create a separate instrument method in Empower with only the required instruments.



id4846, 2424, 2424B, 2489, 2489B, 2489SFC, 2690, 2690D, 2690DUPGD, 2690UP, 2695, 2695D, 2695DE, 2695DEB, 2695DUP, 2695E, 2695EB, 2695INERT, 2695UP, A-10SSM, A-10UV, ALLCOLCLR, ALLCOLHTR, ALLCOLHTRB, EMP2LIC, EMP2OPT, EMP2SW, EMP3GC, EMP3LIC, EMP3OPT, EMP3SW, EMPGC, EMPGPC, EMPLIC, EMPOWER2, EMPOWER3, EMPSW, SUP

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