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Will Oasis MCX sorbent retain peptides if the samples are diluted in a high percentage of organic solvent? - WKB196340

Article number: 196340


  • Solid-phase extraction (SPE)
  • Sample preparation
  • Polymeric sorbent
  • Oasis MCX


Possibly, but method development would be required.


Due to the variety of peptide characteristics, it is difficult to determine if peptides will retain on Oasis MCX sorbent when the samples are prepared in a high percentage of organic solvent. As a result, method development would need to be performed in order to make this determination experimentally for the peptide or peptides of interest.

Because the Oasis MCX particle exhibits a negative charge in addition to reverse-phase characteristics, if the peptide carries a positive charge, it may retain predominantly by cation exchange during loading in a highly organic sample solvent. It is recommended to acidify the peptide samples, making the amine functionalities fully positively charged, in order to capture them by cation exchange upon loading.


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