ANSWER: The IC-Pak Anion column would be a good choice for analysis on a traditional HPLC. General purpose anion analysis using conductivity and UV detection See the IC-Pak Column and Guard Care and U...ANSWER: The IC-Pak Anion column would be a good choice for analysis on a traditional HPLC. General purpose anion analysis using conductivity and UV detection See the IC-Pak Column and Guard Care and Use Manual for part numbers.
ANSWER: Yes, the IC-Pak Ion Exclusion 7.8 x 150 mm can be run on an H-Class instrument. Application note: Fast HPLC Analysis for Fermentation Ethanol Processes
ANSWER: Find part numbers in the IC-Pak Column & Guard Care & Use Manual (wat091064) or on the Waters website by clicking on the following link: IC-Pak Columns