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How can I run samples from the ACQUITY Console? - WKB935

Article number: 935


  • ACQUITY Console


Launch the standalone ACQUITY Console. In Windows 7, go to Computer > C drive > Empower folder > Instruments folder > Bin folder, and then double-click "Standalone ACQUITY Console".

Console without Samples.PNG

Console with Samples.PNG


If the acquisition PC has any supported Waters CDS - Empower, MassLynx, waters_connect - or 3rd party CDS with the appropriate support layers - Agilent OpenLab, SCIEX Analyst, SCIEX OS, Thermo Chromeleon, Thermo Xcalibur, Bruker Hystar - Standalone Console should not be used. The CDS should be used to run samples. Standalone Console is used for sample acquition from a dedicated PC when a nonsupported third-party CDS is in use on a different PC.


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