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How to create a report in Empower that has an individual table for each set of replicate injections in the sample set - WKB74769

Article number: 74769


Create a report in Empower that has an individual table for each set of replicate injections in the sample set.

Display the "mean" of the % Area of each set of replicates.


  • Empower 3


  1. Highlight two or more results in the Browse Project window.
  2. Right-click on them and choose "Preview/Publisher".
  3. In the window that opens, select "Use the currently open report method named Untitled". Click OK.
  4. Right-click on the empty page and choose "Method Properties".
  5. In the top-left, select "Summary by all".
  6. Click OK.
  7. On the left-hand side of the window, expand "Tables".
  8. Double-click on "Area Component Summary" to add it to the report page.
  9. Double-click on the table on the page.
  10. Click the "Table" tab, and ensure that the table has "SampleName" in it. Add or remove anything else.
  11. Click the "Component Summary" tab. 
  12. On the left, scroll up and select "% Area".
  13. Click the "Order By" tab.
  14. From the "Group By" drop-down list, select "SampleName".
  15. Click OK.
  16. Add any additional information you need on the report, such as headers and footers.
  17. Click the "Preview" icon to see the report displayed. 
  18. Each set of replicate injections that have the same SampleName will be in their own table on the report.




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