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How can I measure the Pressure Drop on a GPC Column, to verify I am not over the Limit? - WKB100524

Article number: 100524


  • GPC/SEC Option
  • Polymer Analysis


2 options:


  • Get the system flowing at target flow rate with no columns attached and record a stable back pressure reading.
  • Install the 1st column in the bank, record a stable back pressure reading, and subtract the system back pressure.
  • Install the 2nd column in the bank, record a stable back pressure reading, and subtract the sum of the two previous readings.

This gives you the pressure drop over each column.


(Typically the pressure limit is about 2x the normal back pressure, under normal conditions).

  • Get the system back pressure, as above.
  • Assemble the full bank.
  • Add up the pressure limit for each column in the bank + the system back pressure.

Once you reach target flow rate, if you are anywhere near the total limit (just calculated), disassemble the bank and proceed as in #1 to determine which column is causing the problem. (It is usually the 1st column, because something from the system, mobile phase, or sample has ended up on the 1st column).


Styragel Care & Use Manual

HSPGel Care & Use Manual


id100524, eluent, EMPGPC, GPCV2K

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